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Store Netlify build data with Supabase
#Software engineering #Netlify #Ruby #JavaScript
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I've found it useful in the past to keep a close eye on build times because it can be easy to introduce code over time that drives the build time up. By the time you notice that this is becoming a pain point, it's very difficult to track down the offending pieces of code to resolve the issue.

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Building view components in Middleman
#Ruby #Software engineering
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This site is styled using the wonderful Terminal CSS which has multiple components included. One feature of Javascript frameworks that I like is this concept of components.

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Middleman deploy
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I was recently developing a single page application with Middleman and found there was no ready made deployment code that I could use to upload the site to our Linode servers. Hopefully this rake task will help others out.

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Practical object-orientated design in Ruby
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Just a quick post about a book I got for Christmas called Practical Object-Orientated Design In Ruby. I've only just read the first chapter but already I'm seeing ways I could have improved the Blackjack game that I wrote in OO style.

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TomDoc for Ruby
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TomDoc Style

I have been introduced to a code documentation specification called TomDoc that at it's most descriptive looks like this:

# Public: Duplicate some text an arbitrary number of times.
# text  - The String to be duplicated.
# count - The Integer number of times to duplicate the text.
# Examples
#    multiplex('Tom', 4)
#    # => 'TomTomTomTom'
# Returns the duplicated String.
def multiplex(text, count)
  text * count
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